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Step-by-Step Guide:
Investment Tools

The Mutual Funds main page combines the four most common ways to find a mutual fund. From here, you can get detailed information on specific funds, find a top performer based on your criteria, search for funds by family, or execute a powerful custom search.

Guide to Mutual Funds

Fund Profile -- The fund profile is a powerful tool for gathering information on a specific mutual fund before deciding to invest. At the top of the profile are the options available for exploring each fund profile.

To get started:

  • Enter the fund's symbol in the box below Fund Profile and Submit.
  • If you don't know the fund's symbol, enter its name. will present a list of funds matching that name. Choose the one that you wish to see.
Other features:
Fund Summary: Use this feature when you need a quick look at a fund, to decide if you wish to explore further.
Long-Term Performance: A column chart showing returns from 1 month to 10 years, compared to the Vanguard 500 Index. Note: You will need Netscape Navigator 4 or Internet Explorer 4 to view this graph.
MPT Stats: A rundown on the statistical information that is used to decide how risky a fund is and how likely it is to succeed. Explanations of all the numbers are provided.
Purchase Info: Basic information for investors considering a purchase of this fund.
Composition: A listing of how diversified the mutual fund is, broken down by both industry and holdings.
Top Holdings: If you select the name of a holding, you get the current quote for that holding.

Fund Families -- This lets you sort through all of the funds offered by a particular fund company - find the top performer or the biggest loser before you invest!

To get started:

  • Click on the Families link at the top of the Mutual Funds screen.
  • Select the family of funds that interest you.
  • Choose the category by which you would like to sort. Available categories:
    • Name
    • Year-to-Date Return
    • One-Year Return
    • Three-Year Return
    • Five-Year Return
    • Ten-Year Return
  • Choose the sort order.
    • Ascending (worst to best)
    • Descending (best to worst)
  • Click on Submit.
  • A list of funds will appear, ordered by your preference. Click on a link to get a fund profile.

Objectives -- This lets you search for a fund based on its performance, regardless of its fund company.

To get started:

  • Click on the Objectives link at the top of the Mutual Funds screen.
  • Select the objective that matches your interest.
  • Choose the category by which you would like to sort. Available categories:
    • Name
    • Year-to-Date Return
    • One-Year Return
    • Three-Year Return
    • Five-Year Return
    • Ten-Year Return
  • Choose the sort order.
    • Ascending (worst to best)
    • Descending (best to worst)
  • Click on Submit.
  • A list of funds will appear, ordered by your preference. Click on a link to get a fund profile.

Fund Search -- This option allows you to perform a custom search of thousands of mutual funds.

To get started:

  • Click on the Fund Search link at the top of the Mutual Funds screen.
  • Select a Category to narrow your search. If you want to search all categories, select All Categories.
  • Select a Family to narrow your search. If you want to search all families, select Any Families.
  • Select the Search Criteria.
  • Choose the category by which you would like to sort. Available categories:
    • Front Load
    • Net Assets
    • 12b-1 Fees
    • Minimum Investment
    • Expense Ratio
    • Minimum Year-to-Date Return
    • Minimum One-Year Return
    • Minimum Three-Year Return
    • Minimum Five-Year Return
    • Minimum Ten-Year Return
    • Overall Rank
    • Risk Rank
  • Choose the Display Criteria.
  • Choose the category by which you would like to sort. Available categories:
    • Name
    • Year-to-Date Return
    • One-Year Return
    • Three-Year Return
    • Five-Year Return
    • Ten-Year Return
  • Choose the sort order.
    • Ascending (worst to best)
    • Descending (best to worst)
  • Select which data to diplay: Performance or Fees.
  • Select the number of entries to display: 10, 25, 50, or 100.
  • Click on Submit.
  • A list of funds will appear, ordered by your preference. Click on a link to get a fund profile.


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