To All Subscribers |
posted August 28, 2001 |
We would like to extend our sincere condolences to all of those affected by the tragic events on September 11th. For ways to help, please visit
Messages from Martin in reaction to the September 11th tragedy ...
The Last Thread Holding Up The US Economy September 17, 2001
Another Panic Scenario September 13, 2001
A New Phase In The Great Money Panic September 12, 2001
Today's News and Commentary
Where will it end?
Prof. Investor Fridays -- September 21, 2001
Q: With all that has happened to the stock markets in the past week, what is your prediction for the Dow and the Nasdaq indexes? And what investments are safest for times like this?
A: As we've said, we were in a bear market before September 11th, and we are still in a bear market.
For those who would like to donate funds to support the relief efforts and the families affected by the September 11 crisis, offers several resources. |
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