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Martin D. Weiss — editor of Safe Money Report — has often been called the investor's best friend ... and "America's #1 investor advocate" ...and "The Ralph Nader of Wall Street" for one, simple reason: He refuses to play Wall Street's game.

Once, Dr. Weiss paid more than $1 million to defend a frivolous lawsuit rather than suppress the facts about a shaky company. The lawsuit was dropped ... and his clients were saved from massive financial losses.

But Dr. Weiss was out a million bucks. To him, it was money well-spent.

Gutsy calls like that made Dr. Weiss' reputation — and prompted THE WALL STREET JOURNAL to call him "FEISTY" ... FORBES named him "MR. INDEPENDENCE" ... and investigative journalist JACK ANDERSON called him "GUTSY" and has reported that his financial ratings are "THREE TIMES MORE ACCURATE" than anyone else in the business.

ESQUIRE noted that Dr. Weiss' firm is "The only company [that] provides financial grades free of any possible conflict of interest."

THE NEW YORK TIMES says he's "the first to see the danger and say so unambiguously."

FORTUNE called him "The most comprehensive source" of information.

THE GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE of the US CONGRESS (GAO) heralded the fact that Weiss beat its closest competitor by a factor of 3 to 1 in forecasting future financial troubles.

BARRON’S agrees, saying the GAO report is a "glowing tribute to Weiss."

WORTH says, "Weiss’ so good compared with that of his competitors, nervous ... buyers need look no further." ...Impressive? Absolutely.

But this is the kind of praise that Dr. Weiss cherishes even more:
Tremendous Value!
"When I received the bonuses that came with my subscription, I was amazed by the tremendous value they offered. Unlike most letters I’ve subscribed to, yours is full of solid research and information that I can really use."

J.M.- Los Angeles, CA
4,592% from Black Monday!
"Your advice is absolutely amazing. When you told me that the market was going to crash, I ran out and bought put options on the S&P; 100 for $650 each and the day after Black Monday, when you said we hit bottom, I sold them for $30,500."

Safe Money Subscriber - California
$136,000 Profit
"I sold out your recommended positions on October 7th and made a little over $136,000. Thanks for keeping my thinking on track."

Captain C.T. - (Via email)
Advice On Target
"Among all the newsletters I get in the mail, I like the Safe Money Report best. Martin Weiss is so far ahead of everyone else and his advice is always right on target."

Lee Hand - Pompano Beach, FL
Saved $42,000
"I had $42,000 invested in an annuity at First Executive Life. I saw your low rating and got out before the company failed. Thank you for saving me from what could have been a real disaster."

Mary Ann Bigelow- Riverview, MI
544% Profit in less than a week!
"Based on your advice, I invested $9,000 in put options to sell IBM shares. Less than one week later, I got out with a clear $58,000. I’ve never done so well in my whole life."

J.C.- New York

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