Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D
Here's the scoop:
Beginning next week, Wall Street fat cats are going to get a taste of their own medicine -- IN SPADES! You know who we're talking about:
* Corporate execs who lie through their teeth about earnings ...
* Wall Street analysts who give high ratings to the worst stocks just so their firm can rake in big profits selling their IPOs ...
* Brokers who tell you to buy absolute JUNK they desperately need to sell!
Until now, their dirty little tricks were known only to insiders. NOT ANYMORE!
Soon, thousands of copies of a new full-length, hardcover book will be delivered to bookstores from coast to coast. And believe me: The investment world's crooks and con men are going to be squealing like slaughterhouse pigs.
The book is THE ULTIMATE SAFE MONEY GUIDE, by Martin D. Weiss. It's the world's first and only comprehensive exposé of Wall Street's sleaziest practices -- plus ...
It gives you a complete, extensive arsenal of investment vehicles and strategies that will not only preserve your wealth, but multiply it in the months ahead:
* THE GREAT WALL STREET SCAM AND HOW TO TURN IT TO YOUR GREAT PROFIT ADVANTAGE. While everyone else is in a state of shock, you can be sitting safe and sound miles away from the fray ... and on top of that, cleaning up with amazing profits every single time another scandal is revealed. My book shows you how.
* ALL ABOUT OPTIONS. How to make a killing as the Wall Street house of cards comes crashing down. Everything you ever wanted to know about options condensed into one, hard-hitting, easy-to-read, exciting chapter.
* HOW TO PROTECT YOUR WEALTH IN A SINKING ECONOMY. What about stocks that have been in the family for many years? Real estate that may make up a big chunk of your net worth? Collectibles and other possessions? Learn what to do with them.
* THE BEST SAFETY WITH THE MOST YIELD. Urgent steps to achieve maximum safety for ALL your keep-safe funds: Higher yields, a better "float," lower fees, an unlimited government guarantee, exemption from local and state taxes, truly FREE checking, and immediate liquidity.
* EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MUTUAL FUNDS -- the good, the bad, the ugly. Wondering which funds to buy for your 401(k)? This chapter gives you answers that are absolutely unique -- designed especially to help grow your retirement nest-egg whether the stock market is going up or down.
* ANNUITIES. Watch out. Your insurance agent could be duping you just like your broker did. Do you even need an annuity? How much should you pay? Suppose your insurer goes under!
* TAX-EXEMPT BONDS. How municipal bond issuers can literally "buy" a triple-A rating ... the fundamental flaws of muni bond insurance ... the pros and cons of non-insured tax exempt securities ... the chances of a 1930s-type muni bond debacle ... how to sell and when to buy.
* Plus much, much more -- HEALTH INSURANCE, LIFE INSURANCE, MEDIGAP, LONG-TERM CARE ... almost anything that could impact your financial future.
Make no mistake: The denizens of Wall Street do NOT want ANYONE to even suspect THE ULTIMATE SAFE MONEY GUIDE exists -- let alone READ it!
Their only hope is that this hard-hitting volume will be hidden away on the bookstore shelves nobody ever looks at.
For the benefit of ALL investors, you need to make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that will NOT happen!
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Just Do This, And Four Important Things Will Happen ...
FIRST: By ordering now, you're guaranteed you'll be one of the first investors in the world to get your copy.
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Help restore some semblance of honesty on Wall Street. Strike a blow for investors everywhere. Don't wait.
Thank you!
Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.
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