Nationally known and recognized for his remarkable forecasting success and uncanny knack for picking safe investments, Dr. Weiss is the nation's leading consumer advocate for financial safety.
His highly-rated and nationally renowned investment newsletter, Safe Money Report, presents simple, yet very powerful money-making strategies that have been helping its subscribers (and their portfolios) year after year since 1977.
He has testified before Congress several times, where he has proposed legislation requiring full financial disclosure to the consumer. As Chariman of Weiss Ratings, he has been among the very few that consistently warned investors of financial difficulties, including the failure of large insurance companies in the early 1990's as well as the demise of Enron in 2001.
Weiss is also the Founder of Weiss Money Management, a professional asset management service. In addition, he is the author of two critically praised best-selling books, �The Ultimate Safe Money Guide� and �Crash Profits: Make Money When Stocks Sink and Soar.�
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