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Dear Investor:

This is not the time to go it alone. A major market decline is just around the corner. This stock market rally is very shaky, and more corporate bankruptcies and bogus earnings forecasts are inevitable.

And those that have been sucked into the market by periodic rallies have paid a very high price indeed.

Let me hold your hand through this extremely volatile market and show you what you must do to PROTECT — yes, even BUILD — your wealth.

My simple, yet very powerful money-making strategies have been helping my subscribers gain HUGE profits in their portfolios… year after year.

Read on and discover the wealth of tools and information The SAFE MONEY INVESTOR SERVICE provides for about 25 cents a day…


Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief, Safe Money Report


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Easy to follow “Buy” and “Sell” signals based on sound companies with little or no debt and a solid history of earnings growth…  
The ultimate in safety with Safe Money Report’s “Mr. Conservative” column…  
The ultimate in aggressive investments with the “Mr. Speculator” column…  
Timely stock and fund warnings with the proprietary Weiss Risk Ratings service that tracks nearly 6,200 stocks and over 6,400 mutual funds…  
Unlimited FREE access to the Safe Money Web site where you can read the latest issue of Safe Money Report days before it arrives in the mail AND you can check out all the latest Weiss Risk Ratings on your stocks and mutual funds along with much, much more…  
Safe Money Flash Alerts whenever a major development in the economy or financial markets makes it CRUCIAL that I get urgent advice to you in the fastest way possible!  
**SPECIAL BONUS** A FREE copy of The Weiss Risk Ratings for nearly 6,200 Stocks and more than 6,400 Mutual Funds!  
Take CONTROL of your investments — and get the
guidance and advice that keep your money safe.
Or call 1-800-236-0407 and mention code ea01-39432.
  From May 2001 through October 2003, subscribers raked in the dough by following Safe Money Report’s very specific model portfolios...  
  (Well-positioned gold mining stocks poised for explosive growth)
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  (A spectific combo of LEAPS put options and zero-coup bond funds)
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  Along with PROVEN monthly advice and recommendations and with a wealth of online tools at your disposal 24/7, a two-year membership to Safe Money Report will also get you 3 valuable BONUS GIFTS:  
Gift #1
a $79 Value
  SPECIAL REPORT: The Great Bank Panic of 2003-2004, which includes:  
Why today’s banking crisis was inevitable and why it has BARELY BEGUN
NAMES of banks that are on the brink RIGHT NOW
The Weiss Safety Rating on YOUR bank
PROOF that 2003 and 2004 will be the WORST for stocks
Investment vehicles that are designed to insulate your money in times like these!
Gift #2
a $79 Value
  SPECIAL REPORT: The Weiss Windfall Strategy
How did Dr. Weiss help subscribers pile up profits during the crash of 1987? According to an independent analyst rating service, investors following his advice during that crash would have made more money than with any other advisor they tracked!
  The Weiss Windfall Strategy is what did it — and there are thousands of investors that pay $5,000 for the premium advisory service that encompasses it! NOW you can get the complete strategy outlined in this one report — FREE.  
Gift #3
a $79 Value
The Weiss Early Warning System

Your SECRET WEAPON to minimize your losses AND maximize your profits in 2003-2004!
  You’ll still receive your FREE copy of The Weiss Risk Ratings for 6,200 Stocks and 6,400 Mutual Funds, PLUS one year’s access to the SAFE MONEY WEB SITE… AND 12 issues of SAFE MONEY REPORT!