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January 2004

Issue #357 (Safe Money Report)

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Two defining events of 2004 ...
1: Tech Wreck II!
2: New bull market in gold and natural resources!

This issue of Safe Money tells you how to profit from BOTH megatrends!

Plus, look for ...

  • How to grab gains on one of your investments -- and which two new investments you should own right now

  • How to potentially profit from the next tech stock decline

  • Which of my favorite gold companies you should buy now

December 2003

Issue #356 (Safe Money Report)

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My Forecasts for 2004:
* $1 trillion budget deficit!
* 7% bond yields, AT LEAST!
* Inflation to double, even triple!
* Dollar to fall 20% or MORE!
* Gold going to $550
* Crude oil to $40!

This issue of Safe Money explores the consequences of the out-of-control budget deficit and gives you Martin's nine forecasts for 2004.

Plus, look for ...

  • Which new investment you should add to your conservative portfolio

  • How to potentially profit from rising inflation

November 2003

Issue #355 (Safe Money Report)

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Deficits Ballooning Out of Control! Dollar Plunging! Coming Soon: Higher Inflation, Interest Rates, Gold, Energy!

This issue of Safe Money shows you how to protect yourself and profit from the deficit disaster and other threats that are facing investors.

Plus, look for ...

  • Which new investment you should own to profit from the falling dollar.

  • Why this long and powerful rally does NOT make a bull market -- and what you should do.

  • Four reasons why the current rally in gold is here to stay!

October 2003

Issue #354 (Safe Money Report)

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SMR gold analyst Larry Edelson predicts:

Dollar Decline About to Accelerate, Sending Gold Soaring to $550 per Ounce ... and BEYOND!

This issue of Safe Money is an in-depth interview with Larry on the subject of what's driving gold higher and what investors should do about it.

Plus, look for ...

  • My five golden rules for safely building and preserving a substantial nest-egg.

  • Which company is the most vulnerable to a trade or currency war, and how you can potentially profit.

September 2003

Issue #353 (Safe Money Report)

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Out of the Frying Pan and Into the FIRE!

This issue of Safe Money explains the unwanted consequences of Washington's four-pronged battle to goose up the economy, and what you should do now to prepare.

Plus, look for ...

  • How to beef up your inflation hedges.

  • How you can capitalize on three new energy-related investments.

  • Which gold shares to grab profits on, plus Larry's newest gold recommendations.

August 2003

Issue #352 (Safe Money Report)

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A Landmark Turning Point In Interest Rates

This issue of Safe Money tells you why a radical shift of monumental dimensions is sweeping the globe, and the shift is about to hit the fan ...

Plus, look for ...

  • Five principles you should heed when it comes to investing in bonds.

  • The various ways that you can profit from rising interest rates.

  • A new force driving gold and Larry's favorite gold mining shares higher!

July 2003

Issue #351 (Safe Money Report)

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US Federal Reserve Board Nearly Impotent!

This issue of Safe Money tells you why the Fed has exhausted its bag of tricks, and how you should prepare!

Plus, look for ...

  • The latest sneaky tactic brokers are trying, and what to do if they come after you.

  • Why you should grab more profits on your energy trusts.

  • What to do with your speculative funds during this bear market rally.

June 2003

Issue #350 (Safe Money Report)

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Stocks Remain In Bear Market Rally! But They Will Soon Fall Victim To DEFLATION!

This issue of Safe Money tells you why dangerous forces -- such as deflation -- will inevitably prevail over the current stock market rally.

Plus, look for ...

  • Why you should grab profits on one of your energy trusts.

  • Which companies we believe have deflation-proof business models and how you can potentially profit!

  • What to do with your speculative funds during this bear market rally.

May 2003

Issue #349 (Safe Money Report)

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Beware of False Rallies! Longest bear market in US history! But no sign of a bottom!

This issue of Safe Money tells you why it's highly unlikely that this is the bottom.

Plus, look for ...

  • What you should do for higher returns without throwing caution to the wind.

  • Why you shouldn't let the current market rally fool you.

  • Why gold's new bull market is picking up steam.

April 2003

Issue #348 (Safe Money Report)

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Delta, Ford, or AOL Could Be The Next Giants To Fail!

This issue of Safe Money names the companies that we believe are vulnerable to bankruptcy, details what problems they're facing, and tells you how to protect yourself.

Plus, look for ...

  • Why the bear market isn't over yet. And how you can profit!

  • My top choice for a LEAPS put on a vulnerable company.

  • Why gold is ready to roar back!

March 2003

Issue #347 (Safe Money Report)

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Issue #347B (Safe Money Bulletin)

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Uncle Sam Is Lying To You!

This issue of Safe Money uncovers the lies that Washington is feeding you, and it tells you what to do to protect yourself.

Plus, look for ...

  • A new recommendation I hand-picked for the Mr. Conservative portfolio

  • Why you should bag profits on yet another recommendation in the Mr. Speculator portfolio

  • How to position your gold shares to take advantage of a tumbling Dow

February 2003

Issue #346 (Safe Money Report)

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Issue #346B (Safe Money Bulletin)

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The Great Deficit Time Bomb

This issue of Safe Money names five shocks that will will explode the deficit and the inevitable and potentially devastating impact this explosion will have on investors.

Plus, look for ...

  • Why you should grab profits on one of your Mr. Conservative holdings.

  • An investment that will allow you to take advantage of two powerful forces converging right now!

  • Larry's answers to your most pressing gold questions

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